Gold light breaks
A prismed soul snakes
through time that takes
life and recreates

Crimson leaves flutter in the breeze
Humanity aching on its knees
God watches but does not see
his withering dysfunctional family tree

Shouting voices desperate claims
Shouting violent each other's names
Boldly citing who is to blame
A wild animal god cannot tame

Glorious flowers grow all around
They do not notice with eyes locked down
On tiny flickering screens they frown
Never heard, birds singing sacred sounds

Age old stars gaze down amused
Watching one planet so abused
Watching love so unused
And hear themselves so accused

Buses barrel and tractors travel
Cancer grows in every marrow
A manic species so wrought and harrowed
A seed sown to reap only sorrow

Man, a dog, post traumatic
Man, a dog, a desperate addict
Man, a dog, each heart beats tragic
Man, a dog, manic beats erratic

A log which withers in the forest
None heard it fall, that's the surest
God surely wasn't listening for it
There is no antidote to cure it

Similar DNA is God's handwriting
Yet color and race used for fear inciting
Chargers charge crowds and strike hate like lightning
Media twisting, the public biting

Terror tricks a gullible species
Terror voids the previous treaties
Terror tiny amidst much needy
Defense dollars spent not to feed thee

A milky Galaxy of porn stars
An amazing army of fucking failures
Posting to fill post-human fears
Feeding off feeds for love not near

Daily shows and daily blows
What's really real, no one knows
The cell phone sells an illuminate glow
Illuminati terror cells? never know

Cars alarm to disarm
A Monsanto farm causes harm
Dare you to cause alarm
Dare to save the planet mom

The fight between blood green and black
The money for each side to slack
The history is anything but fact
And oh a train that's off of it's track

Gladness for those so departed
Those whom so awesomely arted
Man a creature so down hearted
A hope that was oh so off carted

Glitter in the morning sky
I almost really ask to die
I can't anymore wonder why
God is no longer by our side