Welcome to The LAST Battlefield. This is where you can find all my art in one place: photo, video, music, and written word. Hope you have a nice stay!
Fuck neo-nazis and black lives matter
Fuck liberals and conservatives
Fuck the union and the Constitution
Fuck the Bill of Rights and the absent Founding Fathers
Fuck the 1st Amendment and the Patriot Act
Fuck Jesus and Mohammed and that asshole laughing Buddha
Fuck Jews and Hindus and the arrogant atheists
Fuck Democracy and the voting booth, putting control in the hands of the moronic masses
Fuck hippies and hipsters
Fuck the military and the veterans and fuck your support
Fuck memes and mobile uploads
Fuck your Nike's and iPhones and 4k flat screen TVs
Fuck Biden, Bernie, Obama, Trump, Bush and both Clintons
Fuck the next shit-head president to follow the rest
Fuck a public that endorses a system which rises filth to the top
Fuck a country that believes in justice yet concedes control to those most unjust
Fuck Wall Street and every banker and every agent of the system
Fuck the IRS and ATF
Fuck your beer and cigarettes and guns
Fuck your war on terror, hopelessly creating more terrorists
Fuck your war on drugs, hopelessly creating more druggies
Fuck the police and fuck the protester
Fuck the pope and David Duke and fuck Donald Trump a second time
Fuck Elon musk, smiling little rich twat, we're still dying bitch, you're failing
Fuck science and technology
Fuck research and development
Fuck the dollar and the euro
Fuck Bitcoin and Amazon prime
Fuck consumers and producers
Fuck oceans of feces and plastic
Fuck native lands and oil pipelines
Fuck fields of retarded Frankencorn
Fuck factories of slobbering suffering food
Fuck Plymouth Rock and Gettysburg and Christopher Columbus
Fuck the natives too weak for small pox
Fuck the Buffalo too stupid to run
Fuck George Washington and fuck Abraham Lincoln
Fuck Jefferson and Adams and FDR and JFK
Fuck Mickey Mouse and GPS
Fuck the elderly and the youth; those who created our problems and those yet to create more
Fuck the gays and fuck the straights
Fuck the greatest generation and fuck the worst
Fuck Millennials and their children and their children's children
Fuck immigrants both illegal and legal
Fuck this country for disappointing them
Fuck the natives and fuck the citizens and fuck those judging from abroad
Fuck the North and fuck the South
Fuck you and fuck your mother
Fuck your grandmother too, she's an ignorant racist anyways, you're just too pussy to admit it
Fuck your gun rights and fuck your gun control
Fuck your Ninja Warrior and MMA and American Idol
Fuck your porn and your swipes left and right
Fuck the Left and the Right and the lukewarm Center
Fuck normal and fuck alternative
Fuck your work week and your holidays
Fuck your healthcare and retirement
Fuck cancer and cancer treatment
Fuck a cure
Fuck each and every human being and fuck the earth that produced them
Fuck a planet responsible for growing such a disgusting species
Fuck the universe that produced this shit-head planet
Fuck the god that produced this universe
And fuck you for believing in any of it
Just kidding, no I’m not, fuck you