Welcome to The LAST Battlefield. This is where you can find all my art in one place: photo, video, music, and written word. Hope you have a nice stay!
Imagine you grew up in a house
And the house was beautiful
And you loved the house
Then one day you become a firefighter
And one day, your house is on fire
And you fight to save the house
And maybe a few of your fellow firefighters die fighting with you
But you put the fire out
And you go on living
Then one day, you look around the house
And you see your family making a mess of it
Breaking windows and shitting on the floor
Treating horribly that which you fought to protect
Then one day you find some old vhs tapes
And you watch them
And you learn
You learn that terrible things were going on in your house all along
Abuse and immoral acts that make you cringe
And then you learn that your father robbed your neighbors
The whole neighborhood in fact
Armed robbery and extortion
And that's how you were fed all along
Your Christmas presents, you learn,
Were bought with blood money
Taken from the now orphaned family down the block
You learn that the fire was set by the boy
Who watched your father kill his
Now you watch your dysfunctional siblings trashing this tainted house
And you don't feel so confused
You understand that a house of such learned behaviors
Is destined only to burn
And as you watch them stoke old embers
You sit back relaxed
We don't need no water
Let the mother fucker burn
Burn Mother America