Welcome to The LAST Battlefield. This is where you can find all my art in one place: photo, video, music, and written word. Hope you have a nice stay!
Xmas supplies
A Clydesdale walking back and forth
across an empty field
Towing a lightly decorated wagon
Carrying two passengers, not speaking
Under a universe
A bucket of tangled lights
A cardboard sign
Attached by 2 black zip ties
To the fence of an empty swimming pool
Cardboard boxes cut open
And flattened
On a hillside
She tries to slide
But can't
Manic holidaze
Armies of extra Walmart workers
Furiously restocking
Battalions of extra shoppers
Addicted to buying
It's the holidays
Run around and consume
Consume that which will disappear
That which won't last
The stuff for now
Then go back to the way you were before
Empty alone
Waiting for the next
Little League Burden
Showing commitment
Sitting in the evening sun
“It's really all just about the points
I mean I could have three round meals
Or I could still just have like
6 double stuff Oreos”
“I mean I watch like a gazillion
Netflix shows”
“Yeah I mean I’m not sure if I trust my home computer with amazon prime”
“Get a job”
“Where for I get one at?”
“Yeah I just put money down on one like 15 minutes ago”
Plastic Plastic Plastic
Sloshes and clanks
chairs packing up