Welcome to The LAST Battlefield. This is where you can find all my art in one place: photo, video, music, and written word. Hope you have a nice stay!
The human race - one organism
Doing their best
One organism, still learning to walk,
think, play, get along with itself-
and face it's demons
It wants sex, a lot of it
Where ever it can get it
Free love become casual sex
It likes a fight
Everywhere it's opportune
Fighting for the sake of fighting
Knowing the norms and taboos are irrelevant
Going where we're going
Controller of others is controller of self
The single point of original consciousness
Refracted out to trillions of micro points
Yet Still sensing the common connection
Each one sees itself as different and separate
And as knowing what's what
And if not, of knowing of a guy or a school or a book
that knows what's what
Running laps around the Globe
To escape our Shadow
Yet no matter how far
Stooped in exhaustion still standing on the same Dark Ground
The Shadow is impossible
without the Light
It's controlled and defined by how we project it
Forcing others to stand in our darkness
Makes it seem less ours
No one knows what is going on
No one knows where we come from
Or where we are going
Some stories sound better than others
Some say they rest on the back of tried experimented results
It's all conjecture
It's all answers to questions we created
No one asking the right ones
What is true
Only you know
Only you can experience it
Seek not for truth outside
The Oracle is no more divine than thee
Your guru-nature waits untapped
Only a choice- faith, trust
And action
Look within
Feel and listen
The spirit is inside
The cosmos is at the wheel
Be not distracted by the men behind
The curtain not the big booming voice
They are all one charade
There is no doomsday, sorry
The end is the trend
Nose pressed against the screen
See only dots
The riots, the death count, corruption
Strife, conflict and unrest
Only but the unfolding of waves
Transient yet never ending
Step back step back
View a larger picture
The wall is shapeless
Infinite yet incomplete
Passing waves on an eroding beach
Be not swept in tides
or go -but know that it's just a ride
The water rests upon the land
No where else is it possible to stand
the sorry charade- nowhere else to be
than here and now, Immortal and Free